
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It is Tuesday!

Tuesday is Tuesday.

I have a disgusting lack of pants that I can wear. Seriously, I own a pair of jeans, a pair of kackiish pants, and a pair of black Dickies. That's it, Three pairs of pants. I think I need to go clothing shopping sometime.

In other news, yesterday a package from Hong Kong arrived at my doorstep. Contained within was an album and a single from one of my new favorite bands from japan, Stereopony. The Album ハイド.ランジアが咲いている or in English 'A Hydrangea Blooms' and the single サマイライウ or SmileLife. Stereopony is a fairly new Japanese female trio from Okinawa, Japan who released their first album last summer. I am enjoying the new music quite immensely, it has only taken me like six months to finally get ahold of their album because never decided to carry it. I am looking forward to more music from them^___^

It is also maintenance day in MegaTen. The maint is delayed.. so does that mean we get more content updates or is Aeria just slow today with getting the update ready for our server. We shall see tonight, at least I will be able to hit up Ichi Gold runs during Happy Hour now instead of being in class during it. Hopefully the Fortune Cards suck this week, I'm broke and i REALLY do not want to spend the next week replacing gears again.

baibai (^__^)/

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